Welcome back: How to Refocus and Study Again after a Break

Autumn is here and you have decided to start studying again. Whether you have taken time off due to vacation, illness or other personal circumstances, getting back into the learning rhythm after a break can be a real challenge. It doesn’t matter whether you have decided on a university degree or a language course at inlingua, returning to study can be difficult.

Ideally, you’ll be excited and optimistic. But if you’re feeling overwhelmed or anxious, don’t let it bother you. Just because you’ve been out of practice doesn’t mean it’s all gone. Your “study mode” is still there. With the right attitude and some advice, you’ll be able to switch it back on in no time. Follow a few steps and you’ll be able to get back into a study routine, make your learning process more effective, and get your academic goals within reach. Don’t waste time; your books are waiting, and we want you to get the most out of your study sessions.

Just follow these recommendations to get back to your learning routine.

👆 1: Organization is everything

Having a clear plan increases your chance of success and helps prevent stress. You won’t miss deadlines, and you won’t let yourself get swamped with work if your schedule is always in front of you!

It’s also a good idea to supplement your schedule with daily and weekly to-do lists. At the end of each week, you’ll have a clear overview of what still needs to be done and what has been completed. With lists, you can keep everything under control despite potential delays or hiccups. As we all know, even the most carefully constructed plans sometimes get derailed.

Timetable with colored arrows, Laptop and Mobile

👆 2: Routine matters

After setting major study goals, it is crucial to establish a consistent learning routine. Routines shape our daily structure and can have a powerful impact if we adhere to a well-organized schedule. This helps avoid the pitfalls of losing track of time or falling behind.

Routines can also help you be more efficient. If you have a full-time job, it’s a good idea to regularly clear your mind with some exercise before studying. After you’ve finished your lesson, you can then completely switch off and enjoy your leisure time.

With these routines, you will find that you are more focused. It will be easier to concentrate and you will be able to fully relax when your work is done.

Owl wearing glasses and reading a book

👆 3: Are you an early bird or a night owl?

There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to learning. It’s important to find out the time of day when you are most productive, and then align your study schedule with your most efficient hours.

Are you bursting with energy and motivation in the morning? Or are you a night owl, with evening or post-dinner study sessions the ideal solution?

Be patient, it will take time to discover how and when you are most productive. As soon as you change your schedule to take advantage of your peak capacity for learning, you will notice that your focus will be sharper and more intense.

👆 4: Find the right spot!

Locating the right place to study is essential for getting the most out of your learning sessions. Ideally, you should have a dedicated study area. Separating relaxation from learning helps improve concentration. The study spot could be your office or even just the kitchen table—it doesn’t matter, so long as it’s tidy and organized. However, some people struggle to focus at home, finding distractions too tempting. Does this sound familiar? A local park or a nearby café might be a great alternative study spot for you. Ambient noise in cafés can promote creative thinking.

Nice learning space with big windows

👆 5: Do not disturb!

In today’s hyper-connected world, we are constantly distracted in some way. You’re sitting at your desk, motivated, wanting to study efficiently and then the phone rings or an email arrives.

On average, it takes our brains 23 minutes to refocus after a distraction. Even if this was just a quick glance at your smart phone, it distracts you from learning. Fear of missing out (FOMO) is real! Humans are curious creatures and always want to know what’s going on around them. You can easily limit your distractions by switching your phone to flight mode or “Do not disturb”. Another option to protect your learning time is to put the smartphone in another room. Out of sight, out of mind.

👆 6: Focus like a “tomato”

Do you know the simple but effective Pomodoro technique  to improve your concentration? It consists of working with high concentration for 25 minutes, followed by a five-minute break. This cycle is repeated three more times before taking a longer break of 30 minutes. There are many other productivity and concentration techniques that may give your study sessions an extra boost. It is worth trying out different techniques and finding out which one is right for you.

Woman wearing a yellow jumper and glasses

👆 7: Don’t hesitate to ask questions

Questions are always allowed and are a much better option than just feeling lost. Don’t be afraid to ask your teachers for advice or help, that’s their job. At the same time, they can also help you with any tips about learning. Anyone in the teaching profession has years of experience and was also once a student. Through this collaboration, new ideas and perspectives can be gained, as well as a bond forged.

👆 8: Importance of a balanced, healthy life

If you enjoy the learning process, it can be very tempting to overdo it. Continue to make sure you have a good work-life balance. Even if you are bursting with enthusiasm and motivation, it’s important to set boundaries. Never set yourself up for a burnout, whether you are learning full-time or if you’re trying to educate yourself while working a full-time job.

People in the gym doing exercises

The longer you study, the more important it is to take regular breaks. Just a few minutes are enough for your brain to recharge and get your concentration back on track. If you feel tired or frustrated, your body and brain are letting you know that you need a break. One study-free day a week is recommended to clear your head. After you are refreshed, you can throw yourself into the next learning unit with new energy.

Keep in mind that healthy habits improve our learning. This includes sleep. Only with enough sleep can our brains function properly, consolidating what we have learned and our memories. It’s no wonder that we have trouble concentrating and learning when we are tired.

A healthy and balanced diet is another important topic. Our memory and our ability to concentrate are strongly linked to the consumption of the right nutrients. Certain foods boost brain health.

Of course, a healthy lifestyle also includes exercise. Regular exercise can improve your memory and even increase your ability to concentrate. Research shows that it is much easier to memorize new words while learning a language during a walk. Just 10 minutes of gentle exercise can lead to better concentration.

Find success

Getting back into learning after a long break is thrilling and can be the start of a fresh chapter in your life, or even the beginning of a new career path. Here is a final push to guide you on the road to success.

Reflection boosts your study efficiency:
The key to effective studying is to regularly reflect on your study sessions. To succeed you need to assess what techniques and strategies are working well for you. Adapt your approach as needed to maximize your studying effectiveness.

Keep on going:
Being consistent is the secret of getting back on track with studying after a long break. Follow your study plan, focus on your goals, and stay disciplined in your approach.

Sometimes you lose heart when you go back to school after a long break. Be kind to yourself as you get back behind the books. Too much pressure can lead to a loss of motivation. Celebrate your wins and progress – however small. Reward yourself when you accomplish your goals – no matter what they are.

The more you practice, the easier it will be for you to learn. Just like any other skill it may be difficult at first, but perseverance will pay off! It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Keep in mind that it’s common to have setbacks or off days. Give yourself the time you need, keep your focus and stay determined. Success in your studies is within reach. All the best!

achieve language learning goals, balanced healthy life, Boost concentration, Effective Learning, Language Learning, Language Skills, Languages, learningenvironment, Multilingual, Multilingualism, organization, Polyglot, pomodoro technique, positive learning environment, productive, productivity, refocus, schedule, self-reflection, study break, Study Motivation, Study Routine, studymode, studyplan
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