Blog articles about:

Effective Learning

Welcome back: How to Refocus and Study Again after a Break

Laptop, somebody taking notes with a yellow pencil
Autumn is here and you have decided to start studying again. Whether you have taken time off due to vacation, illness or other personal circumstances, getting back into the learning rhythm after a break can be a real challenge. It doesn’t matter whether you have decided on a university degree or a language course at…
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The Value of a Learner-Centered Language Course

Group of people working together, mixed gender, taking notes
We have all been in classes where the person in charge provides information that we study and learn. This is known as a teacher-centered approach. However, there are also classes where the learners take the lead, resulting in learning by doing. This article provides a closer look at two learner-centered approaches that can help you…
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Scent Boosts Learning

Women with curly hair smelling on blossom
Our sense of smell is closely connected to the part of the brain that processes memory. In ancient times, rosemary was thought to strengthen memory. It is believed that the herb was worn as a crown by students in ancient Greece to improve performance when taking exams. Fragrance assists learning process This link between smell…
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